Mohamed Abdikadir Sheikh

Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh is the Director General of the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) of Kenya, a semi-autonomous government agency under the National Treasury and Planning Ministry that is mandated to advise and coordinate on population issues in Kenya.

Dr. Sheikh is a medical doctor and holds a Master’s Degree in International Public Health and Maternal and Child Health. He has over twenty years of experience in health system management, leadership, governance and research. He started his career as a medical officer and grew through the ranks to a Provincial Medical Director and Deputy Director of Medical Services. Before he was appointed the Director General of NCPD, he held several leadership positions at the Ministry of Health, including as a District Medical Officer, Provincial Medical Officer, County Director of Health, and lastly as Head of the Department of Family Health in the Ministry of Health in charge of key maternal and child health programs in Kenya.

As a Director General of NCPD, he has spearheaded the development of Kenya’s population policy for sustainable development, overseeing the coordination of the national campaign to end teenage pregnancy and the implementation of Kenya’s commitments from the International Conference on Population and Development. He also spearheaded the development of the Kenya Family Planning 2030 commitments and advocated for increased funding for family planning services.

Dr. Sheikh is currently a board member at the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and an Executive Board Director of the Partners in Population and Development (PPD).