![Burundi children dance on a beach](https://e1.nmcdn.io/pmc/wp-content/uploads/imported-files/Burundian-Children-web-1000-900x675.jpg/v:1-width:525-height:400-fit:cover/Burundian-Children-web-1000-900x675.jpg?signature=53892d1c)
Celebrating Erik Bergstrom
It is with sadness that we share the passing of Erik E. Bergstrom. Erik was the co-executive director and one of the founders of the Erik and Edith Bergstrom Foundation based in Palo Alto, California. The foundation provides grants for organizations working in population and reproductive health. For almost 20 years, the Bergstrom Foundation has been supporting our work at Population Media Center (PMC). Bergstrom funds are currently supporting PMC programs in Burundi, Rwanda, and Guatemala.
Erik had a deep sense of purpose. He was warm, loyal, and analytical. The Bergstrom Foundation pointed to these qualities as instrumental for providing great insight and for guiding the foundation. Through his work, he provided invaluable support to organizations dedicated to issues of overpopulation and reproductive health.
In a statement after Erik’s passing, the Bergstrom Foundation expressed that they will continue to honor his memory by continuing his commitment to leaving a planet to future generations where the population is in balance with the resources on which we all depend.
“Nothing would make Erik happier than to see us all working to make this world a better place for future generations,” said the Bergstrom Foundation.
As an incredibly grateful and proud organization supported by the Bergstrom Foundation, we plan to continue the work Erik was so passionate about. We thank him and offer our deepest sympathies for his family, friends, and colleagues.
About Population Media Center
Population Media Center is a nonprofit leader in entertainment-education, dedicated to women’s rights and empowerment, population stabilization, and the environment. For the past two decades, PMC’s entertainment programming has promoted social and cultural change and has helped 500 million people in more than 50 countries.