A group of Black Lives Matter protestors kneel with their fists up in the air
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PMC Demands Justice and Equality

Jun 04, 2020

Population Media Center stands for a sustainable planet with equal rights for all. This does not mean securing rights for only some people, valuing some lives. We at PMC demand justice, equality, and inclusiveness. The health and well-being of people and planet depend upon it.

Inequality and violence are two sides of the same coin, allowing the dominance of the powerful over those who are vulnerable. We constantly see people commoditized, victimized, and dehumanized because our political and economic systems incentivize such violence.

Now, in response to the outrageous killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and numerous other cases of crimes by the state and the broader society against Black people, millions of Americans have joined together to protest. Yet another defenseless Black person has lost his life after a horrendous act by law enforcement officers.

PMC condemns all police brutality. Racism and bigotry must not be tolerated in the United States or anywhere in the world. All of us must do our part to eradicate it. Failure to act puts black and brown lives in immediate danger. It puts activists and organizers in danger. It puts all of us, and our planet, in grave danger.

To bring about change, we must continue to raise PMC’s voice and lift the voices of those who are vulnerable, marginalized, and underserved — by showing that all people are not only born equal — but also by demanding that they be treated equally under the law and in all aspects of society.

Let’s stand together and support one another and our communities in vocalizing and demonstrating that we demand justice and equal treatment of all people. As Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor says, “Justice is not a natural part of the lifecycle of the United States, nor is it a product of evolution; it is always the outcome of struggle.”

We will never give up this struggle. We see the effort and dedication of so many people working on justice. We know progress will be won. We know it will be hard-won. We also know that the words and wisdom and healing that will flow forth will be breathtaking. We mourn for what we have lost, and we march forward in pursuit of all we have to gain.