Blogs for a Planet of Life — Population Media Center’s 2021 eBook
What if you could tell dramatic, highly-entertaining stories on radio, TV and the web that supported women’s rights, healthy populations, and enhanced social and environmental responsibility?
What if these stories were:
- In-line with the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG targets 3.7 and 5.6.
- Advanced The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, specifically its call to meet the unmet needs in good quality family planning services and in contraception, and to increase knowledge and use of family planning and contraceptive methods — as well as increasing awareness among men of their responsibility in family planning and contraceptive methods and their use.
- Advanced the Family Planning 2030’s vision for change, including “Voluntary modern contraceptive use by everyone who wants it, achieved through individuals’ informed choice and agency.”
- In-line with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) motion titled “Importance for the conservation of nature of removing barriers to rights-based voluntary family planning.”
Population Media Center is a global sustainability non-profit and broadcast production partner — and we do create life-changing, popular entertainment for a more sustainable world that supports all the above international agreements and goals.
Every week this past year, our team at Population Media Center covered sustainability news, ideas, and opinions in our blog. To close out the year, we’ve wrapped select blogs together to write the story of how we move forward, leaving the world better for generations to come. It also depicts how we can navigate the inequities of reproductive healthcare worldwide through community engagement and popular entertainment.
Editor’s Picks from Blogs for a Planet of Life eBook:
- Impact of Population on Wildlife
- Say No to Demographic Fatalism
- Intergenerational Responsibility for Sustainability