This 78-episode radio show aired in southern Nigeria in Pidgin, the most widely spoken language in that area.
Tafigawalooriginally aired (2013-2014) in three southern Nigeria states: Lagos (Bond FM), Akwa Ibom (Planet FM), and Enugu (Enugu Broadcasting Corporation, Coal City FM).
With additional funding and wide listenership, PMC was able to expand broadcast (2014-2015) to seven more Nigerian states: Benue (Joy FM, Markurdi), Imo (Orient FM, Owerri), Abia (Magic FM), Cross Rivers (CRBS FM radio), FCT (WAZOBIA FM, Abuja) and Ebonyi (Ebonyi State Broadcasting Service, FM station) and (2015-2016) to two more Nigerian states: Delta (DSBC FM) and Rivers (Treasure FM).Tafigawalowas one of two PMC radio shows on the air during this timeframe. Hannunka Mai Sanda aired in northern Nigeria in Hausa, the most widely spoken language in that area.
As with all PMC radio shows, Tafigawalo was created using PMC’s radio show methodology.